'A' Mom

My daughter has two moms: 'A' Mom and 'B' Mom. 'Pat' is 'A' Mom, as in 'adoptive.' I am 'B' Mom, as in the 'birth' variety. Even though the lettered titles don't really signify rank, to my mind, it is as it should be. 'Pat' is my daughter's mother, and I am the woman who gave her life.

Pat, you are my hero. As I have repeatedly told you, I will always be grateful to you beyond my ability to express in mere words. It is an honor and a privilege to know you. While mine is a debt that can never be repaid, I will always speak well of you, and I will honor you all of the days of my life through my love for our daughter and our granddaughter.

Happy Mother's Day, Pat! You are forever the 'A' Mom: Number One!

Mother's Day 1994